Thursday, November 10, 2011

Shakespeare, Cervantes, and de la Vega

            William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes, and Gracilaso Inca de la Vega are very influential writers for their respected countries. Each writer took literature to a whole other level which would change the way people viewed certain languages, cultures, and types of literature. Shakespeare, Cervantes, and de la Vega would all become important role-models for almost all the books, stories, plays, poems, and songs that we have today.
            William Shakespeare, maybe the greatest poet and play-writer of the English language, is known as the father of the English language.  Shakespeare was such a skillful writer that he is a significant point in the history of literature. Most of his works were basically on human themes that will never be forgotten. In Shakespeare’s works he would use both medieval and classical literature, and that would form the modern day literature that we have today. With the success of Shakespeare’s works, he basically framed the evolution of the dramas and plays we have today. Shakespeare’s top six most popular plays, in order, are Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest, and Julius Caesar. Romeo and Juliet set the grounds for a true love struggle between two people whom family doesn’t approve of. Even after the death of William Shakespeare, he still manages to have an impact plays, movies, and poems.
            Miguel de Cervantes is among the greatest novelists of the Spanish language. Cervantes influence has been so great that the Spanish language is sometimes called la lengua de Cervantes, the language of Cervantes. He is also considered the Prince of Wits and the father of the Spanish language. Cervantes notable works are Don Quixote, Viaje del Parnaso, and La Galatea. Cervantes novel, Don Quixote, is the most influential and important books in the history of novels, and had a tremendous effect on the development of prose fiction. Miguel de Cervantes is compared to such literary greats such as Greek poet Homer, Italian poet Dante Alighieri, and English play-writer William Shakespeare because of his eloquent style of writing and insight.
            Garcilaso Inca de la Vega was the first Andean mestizo to chronicle the history of his own indigenous people. De la Vega’s works wasn’t just mere historical chronicles, but they had enormous literary value. Garcilaso’s writings had eloquent testimonies of emotional and intellectual struggles that were faced by the hybrids of the Old and New worlds. He is known for his history of the Incas, The Royal Commentaries of the Inca, and General History of Peru. Volume I of one of his works is on the origins and rise of the Inca Empire, while volume II is the Spanish conquest of Peru and its aftermath. The first-hand information that de la Vega received were from his maternal relatives on the daily Inca life, which would be used to in his writings.